Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


What about the mainstream?

Trefwoorden superdiversity, mainstream policy, culturalism, identity, integration
Auteurs prof. dr. Jan Willem Duyvendak

prof. dr. Jan Willem Duyvendak
Prof. dr. Jan Willem Duyvendak is faculteitshoogleraar sociologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Duyvendak studeerde sociologie en filosofie aan Universiteit Groningen en in Parijs. Hij deed onder meer onderzoek naar nieuwe sociale bewegingen, de emancipatie van minderheidsgroepen, naar de herstructurering van de verzorgingsstaat, nativisme en ‘belonging’.
  • Samenvatting

      Advocates of superdiversity have a potential blind spot for differences in symbolic power that affect integration. Thus, they quickly ignore class inequalities and racism. But the main point of criticism is that superdiversity neglects the mainstream, the dominant ways of thinking and doing in a society. The majority of the Netherlands has become more and more culturally homogenous: after a long time of cultural polarization (the long decade of the sixties), the majority has taken over consensually libertarian ideals. The implication of this is that cultural diversity is experienced as a growing problem. Citizens, including migrants, must show that they feel connected with the Netherlands.

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