Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Agressie in de tram

Het perspectief van trambestuurders

Trefwoorden Tramdrivers, strategies, aggressive passengers, masculinity
Auteurs Dr. Thaddeus Müller en Roy Zeestraten

Dr. Thaddeus Müller
Dr. Thaddeus Müller is werkzaam als Senior Lecturer Criminology bij de Lancaster University (UK). Hij is gespecialiseerd in kwalitatief onderzoek en doet onderzoek naar de ‘deviante’ jongeren, etniciteit en criminalisering, stedelijke (on)veiligheid, drugs en wetenschappelijke fraude.

Roy Zeestraten
Roy Zeestraten is criminoloog en werkzaam als EC coördinator bij Reclassering Nederland, regio Den Haag. Als EC coördinator heeft hij veel contact met ketenpartners zoals PI’s, OM, advocaten en zorginstellingen. Hiernaast is hij verantwoordelijk voor de begeleiding van cliënten met elektronische controle.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article we focus on how tram drivers react when confronted with a situation of aggression in the tram. Their role in these situations has hardly been explored in recent Dutch studies on this topic. In our explorative research, which consisted of observation and interviews in The Hague, our aim is to gain the perspective of tram drivers on aggressive passengers. Through their eyes we describe a range of strategies which they use to restore public order. Our research shows that in order to understand the reaction of tram drivers a) this has to be placed in the sequential development of an aggressive interaction and b) this has to be related to the ways they give meaning to the aggression of passengers and their work context. Our research shows that there are two perspectives among tram drivers: a) a ‘business’ perspective, with an emphasis of tram drivers as employees who avoid risk situations and call for support in situations they cannot control and b) a personal perspective, in which tram drivers tend to follow more personal guidelines, in which masculinity plays a central role. Those who use the later perspective become more involved in violent and physical interactions.

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