Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Thuisdealers, ritselaars en meesnoepers. Bewoners en bezoekers van grootstedelijke crackpanden

Trefwoorden Crack cocaine, Drug dealing, Ethnography
Auteurs Drs. Petra Houwing, Alberto Oteo Pérez MSc en Prof. dr. Dirk J. Korf

Drs. Petra Houwing
Drs. Petra Houwing is antropoloog. Zij was als veldonderzoeker verbonden aan het Bonger Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam en is nu cliëntmanager bij de GGD Haaglanden.

Alberto Oteo Pérez MSc
Alberto Oteo Pérez, MSc, is promovendus bij het Bonger Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam, en trainee bij het EMCDDA te Lissabon.

Prof. dr. Dirk J. Korf
Prof. dr. Dirk J. Korf is bijzonder hoogleraar criminologie en directeur van het Bonger Instituut, Universiteit van Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This article is based on ethnographical research in 24 crack houses in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague. Crack houses were defined as the homes of crack users where crack is being sold and smoked together with other users. All crack houses were located in disadvantaged, multi-ethnic neighbourhoods. Both residents and visitors were men and women, middle-aged, of various ethnic origin and with a long history of hard drug use. In addition to economic benefits for residents (crack sales, getting crack for free from visitors) and sometimes also for visitors, crack houses predominantly serve as a safe haven for drug use and as a social meeting place. Two types of crack houses were found: dealing houses (with ‘home sellers’) and home circuits (divided into ‘fixers’ who arrange or facilitate that crack is available, and ‘users-for-free’, who allow that crack is sold or delivered and used in their apartment, in exchange for a bit of crack). To reduce the risk of discovery and closure, residents take various measures, but less if they are not a legal resident of the apartment. In comparison with the Anglo-Saxon literature about crack houses, there is less ethnic segregation, a less aggressive atmosphere and less involvement with prostitution.

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