Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


De straat praat? De performance van ‘street credibility’

Trefwoorden Performance, street credibility, (gangsta) rap, identity
Auteurs Robby A. Roks

Robby A. Roks
Drs. Robby A. Roks is als promovendus verbonden aan de sectie criminologie van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. E-mail: Roks@law.eur.nl
  • Samenvatting

      This article deals with the performance of ‘street credibility’. A dramaturgical analysis of the lyrics and videos of 15 rap artist from The Hague sheds light on the various ways they try to achieve a credible street reputation as rappers. In their frontstage presentation they highlight their street knowledge, strike violent poses, and claim affiliation to certain infamous local gangs or neighborhoods. Backstage, however, these performances are being deconstructed by other actors who participate in the local street culture and who form a critical, metaphysical audience of the presentations of the rappers.

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