Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Intellectuele schatplichtigheid en wetenschappelijke ethiek

Trefwoorden scientific conduct, intellectual property, citation- and referencing practices, scientific ethos
Auteurs Willem de Haan

Willem de Haan
Prof. dr. Willem de Haan is emeritus hoogleraar en voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie NVK. Hij is verbonden aan de afdeling Strafrecht en criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. E-mail: w.j.m.de.haan@vu.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      The intensification of scientific competition and the availability of scientific knowledge on the internet seem to be rendering the notion of intellectual property obsolete. Conventional citation- and referencing practices through which intellectual debt is acknowledged are increasingly being ignored or undermined. In this essay, it is argued that these conventional citation- and referencing practices represent valuable norms of scientific conduct and, therefore, are vital to the scientific ethos of free and independent scientific research. For this reason, editors and reviewers need to accept their responsibility for educating the next generation of scholars to respect conventions for acknowledging intellectual debt.

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