Tijdschrift over Cultuur & Criminaliteit


Rondzwerven, stedelijke ruimte en transgressie

Trefwoorden drift, transgression, precarity, urban control
Auteurs Jeff Ferrell

Jeff Ferrell
Prof. dr. Jeff Ferrell is hoogleraar Sociologie aan de Texas Christian University en gasthoogleraar Criminologie aan de University of Kent. E-mail: j.ferrell@tcu.edu.
  • Samenvatting

      This article describes and judges the complex and often contradictory dynamic by which boundaries are constructed and transgressed. This dynamic reveals much about power, meaning, and the political economy of crime and control. The author describes the project undertaken by Critical Mass riders and precarity activists. These projects explore the possibilities of drift as collective experience and collective transgression. The pervasiveness of drift in contemporary society, paired with the subversive cultures of drift emerging around new social movements and alternative spatial practices, point toward a new kind of global collectivity.

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