Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid


Tussen stroomversnellingen en stagnatie

Politieke onderhandelingen over subsidies voor de bouw van kerken en moskeeën, 1954-1994

Trefwoorden financiële betrekkingen tussen overheid, kerk en religieuze organisaties, bouw van gebedshuizen, beleidsonderhandelingen, verhouding kerk en staat, kerken
Auteurs Leonard van ’t Hul

Leonard van ’t Hul
Dr. W.L. van ’t Hul is socioloog en historicus. Hij werkt als onderzoeker bij het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau en doet daar onderzoek naar representatie en vertrouwen. Eind 2020 promoveerde hij aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op het proefschrift Besloten. Politieke onderhandelingen tussen de Nederlandse overheid en religieuze organisaties, 1946-1996.
  • Samenvatting

      Between 1964 and 1976, roughly the heydays of dechurching in the Netherlands, the Dutch government contributed to the construction of 788 church buildings and one mosque through the Church Building Premium Act. After 1976, however, there was no longer any political basis for similar support of religious newcomers – apart from a few temporary subsidies to specific Muslim communities. In this article I argue that to understand developments in Dutch church-state relations it is not enough to study cultural-ideological shifts as visible in in media-outlets and parliamentary deliberations. The case of direct funding for houses of worship illustrates that dynamics of church and state relations can only fully assessed by delving into the politico-institutional context in which policy deliberations took place. This shows that political decisions about policies on religious accommodation were highly influenced by the way the trajectory of decision making was organized. Both the amount of access of faith-based organisations to the negotiation tables and the extent to which policy-debates were linked to or decoupled from concurrent policy issues mattered greatly for the outcome of policy deliberations.

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