Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid


Euthanasie volgens het rooms-katholiek kerkelijk strafrecht

Trefwoorden euthanasie, Rooms-Katholieke Kerk, Kerkelijk strafrecht
Auteurs Dr. Ruud Huysmans

Dr. Ruud Huysmans
Dr. R.G.W. Huysmans studeerde na filosofisch-theologische studies in Nederland canoniek en oud-Romeins recht, de klassieke beide rechten, in Rome. Laatstelijk was hij naast parochiepastoor hoogleraar Kerkelijk straf- en strafprocesrecht aan de faculteit Kerkelijk Recht van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) in België.
  • Samenvatting

      A medical doctor in The Netherlands is not punishable under the law for assisting in a patient’s self-chosen death as long as (s)he has fulfilled the conditions of the Euthanasia Law of 2002. This law regards patients with unbearable and hopeless suffering who request an end to their life. This article will regard euthanasia from the perspective of Roman Catholic church law: if a Catholic doctor in The Netherlands ends the life of a patient in conformity with the Euthanasia Law, could this nevertheless be considered a crime of manslaughter as stipulated in Canon 1397 of the Code of Canon Law (1983)? And is that doctor then punishable under that law? It will be demonstrated that this is not the case, because the church law does not regard a crime similar to euthanasia under Dutch law, even though the killing of an innocent person is considered a sin. Against the background of the logic in church law, this article will make a comparison with the crime of abortion as stipulated in Canon 1398 of the ecclesiastical Code. It will be demonstrated that manslaughter and abortion share a different but illuminating history and topicality.

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