Tijdschrift voor Religie, Recht en Beleid


Waartoe is de Protestantse Kerk in Nederland op aarde?

Haar toekomst volgens de nota Kerk 2025

Trefwoorden Protestantse Kerk in Nederland, kerk in de samenleving, krimpende kerk
Auteurs Prof. dr. Herman Noordegraaf

Prof. dr. Herman Noordegraaf
Prof. dr. H. Noordegraaf is universitair docent en bijzonder hoogleraar voor diaconaat aan de Protestantse Theologische Universiteit Amsterdam/Groningen.
  • Samenvatting

      The Protestant Church accepted in November 2015 a report about her future. This reflection was necessary because of the shrinking amount of members and of income. The report combines a principal view on the essence of being church with practical proposals to get a more simple organisation of the church and savings in expenditures. The responsibility of the church for society is explicitly stated. Much shall depend on the concrete follow up. Needed is more attention to the question how this responsibility can get shape.

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