Recht der Werkelijkheid


Getting the job done: A narrative approach in person-centered service provision for unemployed people in a vulnerable position.

Trefwoorden Unemployment, Multi-problem clients, Person-centredness, Narrative approach, Multi-sectoral collaboration
Auteurs Marilie Odding

Marilie Odding
Marilie Odding is promovendus in de rechtssociologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Zij richt zich op reflexief toezicht en persoonsgerichte dienstverlening voor mensen in kwetsbare posities.
  • Samenvatting

      In an increasingly complex public service system, service users’ experiences are often overlooked, resulting in a gap between administrative policies and citizens' needs. This research aims to bridge the gap through person-centred service provision by incorporating the narratives of citizens in vulnerable positions. The research comprises an exploratory phase featuring narrative interviews with participants receiving benefits while using multiple public services. Subsequently, the study plans to conduct two case studies observing local projects emphasising person-centred approaches. Preliminary findings from the interviews highlight the importance of resilience and specific skills to effectively navigate the system, which those with multi-problems often do not have. The participants' reliance on support persons underscores the vital role of external assistance in managing bureaucratic complexities. This research emphasises the value of narratives in improving person-centred services by incorporating them in reflexive regulatory arrangements, aiming to contribute to more effective and supportive public service systems for vulnerable citizens.

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