Recht der Werkelijkheid


The lawyer as a key player in guaranteeing access to justice in the digital era

Trefwoorden Lawyers, Digitalization of judiciary, Access to justice, Migrants, Criminal law
Auteurs María Bruquetas-Callejo, Marieke Dubelaar en Karen Geertsema

María Bruquetas-Callejo
María Bruquetas-Callejo is Research Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Law and Center for Migration Law and Sociology of Law at the Radboud University Nijmegen. Her research deals with the sociological analysis of laws and policies in the field of migration.

Marieke Dubelaar
Marieke Dubelaar is Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on dispute resolution in criminal cases.

Karen Geertsema
Karen Geertsema is Associate Professor, Migration Law at Radboud University. Her research focuses on the role of courts in Dutch migration law.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article the role of the lawyer in criminal law, immigration detention law and asylum law is analysed in the context of digitalization measures during the COVID-19 lockdowns in the Netherlands.

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