Recht der Werkelijkheid


Rechtstoepassing in andere continenten

Auteurs Agnes Schreiner

Agnes Schreiner
Agnes Schreiner was tot de AOW-gerechtigde leeftijd universitair docent en wetenschappelijk onderzoeker bij de Afdeling Algemene rechtsleer, Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Tegenwoordig is ze als gastonderzoeker aan dezelfde afdeling en faculteit verbonden. Ze was van 1985-1999 redactielid en van 1989-1995 tevens redactiesecretaris van Recht der Werkelijkheid. In 2007 trad ze toe tot de redactieraad van RdW.
  • Samenvatting

      From day one of the journal Recht der Werkelijkheid (Journal of Living Law) the Legal Anthropology was welcomed. What once started as the jurisprudential study on Folk Law on the one hand and the cultural anthropological study of law on the other hand, evolved into an intensive collaboration among the researchers. Even more intensive under the subject Legal Pluralism. The legal anthropological studies extended over the years to subjects closer to the First World legal practices, i.e. the studies of social groups like the one on migrants. Under the concept of semi autonomous social fields many contributions on cultural versus legal norms were published. Later on, the legal anthropological expertise that sustained the comparative studies for international and supranational law was welcomed. The article thus shows that the journal provided room for the socio legal studies of law practices in other continents, expanded to those of other continents in the home continent as well as to those in all continents.

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