Recht der Werkelijkheid


Wetten tussen droom en daad

Auteurs Bert Niemeijer

Bert Niemeijer
Bert Niemeijer is rector van de Academies voor Wetgeving en Overheidsjuristen in Den Haag en bijzonder hoogleraar Empirische Rechtssociologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Hij is lid en voorzitter van de redactie geweest en is op dit moment lid van de redactieraad.
  • Samenvatting

      This article collects publications in this journal about the emergence and effects of legislation. It covers the developments and results of research of the last four decades. First it is concluded that there has been considerable attention to the subject. Second a clear broadening and (theoretical) deepening from different perspectives can be observed. Social-legal research of legislation also appears to have specific characteristics. Subsequently, various points of attention are pointed out, such as more attention to the relationship between legal characteristics and effects, more variation in research methods and more systematic theory-driven research. Finally, attention is drawn to the relationship between (the working of) legislation and social transformations such as globalization, digitization and the increasing and profound influence of social media in society.

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