Recht der Werkelijkheid


‘Access to Justice’ en rechtshulpverlening.

Over de voortschrijdende rechtssociologische benadering van de rechtshulpverlening in de lage landen

Auteurs Prof. Dr. Jean Van Houtte en Prof. Dr. Bernard Hubeau

Prof. Dr. Jean Van Houtte
Jean Van Houtte is emeritus hoogleraar Rechtssociologie aan de Universiteit Antwerpen. Hij is op dit moment lid van de redactieraad.

Prof. Dr. Bernard Hubeau
Bernard Hubeau is emeritus hoogleraar Rechtssociologie aan de Universiteit Antwerpen en gastdocent aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Hij is op dit moment lid van de redactieraad.
  • Samenvatting

      This contribution puts the developments of the socio-legal approach of access to justice and legal aid in the low countries (Belgium and the Netherlands) in a broad perspective. During the last 40 years, the journal has dealt with some general problems, related to the accessibility of justice and legal aid and the effects of legislation in that field. Some important differences between het Belgian and the Dutch situation are highlighted. Although the general situation has not changed dramatically in both countries, some improvements have been achieved, e.g. when it comes to the so called “social legal aid”. Still, a better and more equal access to justice has to be promoted and realised.

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