Recht der Werkelijkheid


Herstelrecht op het terrein van verkeersongevallen.

Trefwoorden restorative justice, motor vehicle accidents, victimology, personal injury settlement
Auteurs Iris Becx MSc

Iris Becx MSc
Iris Becx is victimoloog en is promovenda aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) en het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR). Ze volgde de masterstudie Victimology and Criminal Justice aan Tilburg University.
  • Samenvatting

      Those involved in a motor vehicle accident often have emotional needs that are not being met within the current framework of personal injury settlement. These needs include sharing one’s (side of the) story, getting in touch with the other person(s) involved and offering or receiving apologies. Following Nils Christie’s theory of ‘stolen’ conflicts, the fact that the people involved are often represented by lawyers or insurance companies is problematic because it alienates them from each other and it thwarts proper recovery. Incorporating restorative justice could offer a solution to this ‘theft’ of conflict, as it focuses on bringing all involved together to restore any of the harm done by concentrating on their needs. The central question to this dissertation is: how can restorative justice play a role in the sustainable resolution of conflicts after motor vehicle accidents so that the current insurance and liability system can better meet the immaterial needs of victims and perpetrators? Via several projects, the role of lawyers and insurance companies is studied. How beneficial or adversarial are their influences on victims and offenders? And can they incorporate restorative justice in their practice? The first publication is expected at the end of this year.

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