Recht der Werkelijkheid


De Omgevingswet: wetgeving als symbool of communicatieve wetgeving?

Trefwoorden Symboolwerking van wetgeving, Omgevingswet, Crisis- en herstelwet, Communicatieve wetgeving, Wetgevingsevaluatie
Auteurs Dr. Friso Johannes Jansen MSc

Dr. Friso Johannes Jansen MSc
Friso J. Jansen is Senior Lecturer in Law at Birmingham City University.
  • Samenvatting

      The Crisis and Recovery Act and the Environmental Planning Act are analysed in this article as a form of communicative legislation. This approach to socio-legal analysis draws attention to the need to understand the symbolic effects of legislation as independent drivers of compliance. The modest legal effects of the Crisis and Recovery Act are contrasted with the more sizeable symbolic effects of this legalisation. In addition, the ex-ante evaluation of the Environmental Planning Act shows that the proposed legal changes can only provide a small impetus to the desired culture change, nonetheless there is potential for areas of this law to have symbolic effects as well. These could potentially contribute independently to its success.

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