Recht der Werkelijkheid


De bezwaarprocedure: Onderzoek naar verbanden tussen de inrichting van de procedure en de inhoudelijke kwaliteit van bezwaarbehandeling

Trefwoorden Dispute resolution procedures, Quality, Administrative law, Objection procedure, Professional users
Auteurs Marc Wever LLM

Marc Wever LLM
Marc Wever is promovendus & docent aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en doet een promotieonderzoek naar de kwaliteit van bezwaarbehandeling door bestuursorganen.
  • Samenvatting

      If someone disagrees with an administrative order, he or she has to lodge an objection with the administrative authority responsible for the order. Only after the administrative authority has fully reconsidered the contested order is the interested party allowed to seek redress with the administrative courts. Estimates are that around 2.6 million objections are filled each year, making the administrative objection procedure the most frequently used dispute resolution procedure in the Netherlands. Numerous variations can be found in the way administrative authorities handle objections. Does this affect how professional users evaluate its quality? And if so, how can this be explained?

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