Recht der Werkelijkheid


Hoger beroep in het bestuursrecht: massaal gebruik, ontevreden gebruikers

Trefwoorden Satisfaction, Appeals procedure, Administrative law
Auteurs Professor Bert Marseille, Dr. Barbara Brink en Mr. dr. Martje Boekema

Professor Bert Marseille
Bert Marseille is hoogleraar bestuurskunde, in het bijzonder de empirische bestudering van het bestuursrecht, bij de vakgroep Staatsrecht, Bestuursrecht en Bestuurskunde van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

Dr. Barbara Brink
Barbara Brink is docent bij de vakgroep Staatsrecht, Bestuursrecht en Bestuurskunde van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en coördineert de master Juridische bestuurskunde.

Mr. dr. Martje Boekema
Martje Boekema is universitair docent Staats- en Bestuursrecht bij de Universiteit Utrecht. Haar onderzoek richt zich op de (bestuurs)rechtspraak en geschilbeslechting.
  • Samenvatting

      In administrative law, a substantial number of citizens who are dissatisfied with government decisions go on to appeal their decision at a higher court. This article discusses how satisfied those appellants are about the procedure and the result.
      The data presented demonstrate a substantial difference in appreciation of the procedure between winners and losers. In addition, many appellants experience a very low degree of distributive justice. In part, people show a fundamental distrust in the administration of justice, but for a greater part, people argue that the higher court judge has not assessed their case in an expert or fair way.
      The most intriguing outcomes of the analysis concern the large majority, including both winners and losers, that claim that the verdict did not end the conflict with the counterparty. Additionally, almost everyone argues that they would file an appeal again, if presented with that possibility. The experienced dissatisfaction, skepticism and frustration regarding the procedure seem to have little or no influence on the willingness to return to the administrative higher court in the future.

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