Recht der Werkelijkheid


Het besluitvormingsproces van civiele rechters in procedures over de gevolgen van een (echt)scheiding met een beschuldiging van seksueel kindermisbruik

Trefwoorden Family law, Child sexual abuse, Divorce, Custody and access
Auteurs Anne Smit MSc., Prof. dr. mr. Catrien Bijleveld en Prof. dr. mr. Masha Antokolskaia

Anne Smit MSc.
Anne Smit is promovenda bij het NSCR waar zij werkt aan haar proefschrift ‘Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Children in Divorce Procedures: Towards Evidence-Based Guidelines’.

Prof. dr. mr. Catrien Bijleveld
Catrien Bijleveld is directeur van het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving.

Prof. dr. mr. Masha Antokolskaia
Masha Antokolskaia is hoogleraar privaatrecht, in het bijzonder personen- en familierecht aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This study aims to provide insight into allegations of child sexual abuse in the context of divorce, and related, proceedings by analyzing the decision-making process of civil judges. To this aim, interviews with 13 judges and 11 lawyers were conducted and a focus group was organized with different specialists. It is concluded that in the eyes of the judges, allegations of child sexual abuse in this context are not rare, and some of the professionals signal an increase of allegations in the last decade. The presence of an allegation poses a dual issue: it points out problems within the family, as well as causes problems for the child. This dual nature makes it even more complex for judges to make decisions, especially concerning contact between father and child. The validity of the allegation becomes less important than its presence when judges consider the children’s best interests. The judges’ aim to create conditions for the family within which the child’s safety is best protected, can as an unwanted consequence delay the process, which in itself can be damaging for the child.

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