Recht der Werkelijkheid


KEI voorbij met ODR

Trefwoorden ODR, Courts, court users, dispute resolution, digital court
Auteurs Dory Reiling

Dory Reiling
Dory Reiling is senior rechter in Amsterdam, en product owner van KEI Civiel. Ze promoveerde op “Technology for Justice, how IT can support judicial reform”. Ze blogt over IT en rechtspraak op mr-online en haar Technology for Justice-blog. Ze twittert op @doryontour, haar publicaties staan op
  • Samenvatting

      ‘I felt so sorry for you, such a lovely tool, and then you have no users!’ This was one of the comments after my presentation of the eKantonrechter at ODR 2016, organized by HiiL in The Hague in May 2016. ODR, online dispute resolution, was presented as a tool to solve all problems in the 4th Trend Report by HIIL after the conference. Arno Lodder, in a weblog, commented that ODR had raised hopes in its early promoters, but had not really taken off.
      ODR is a tool to help parties in the dispute resolve their problem. There are various examples of ODR tool: supporting double blind bidding to determine a sum of money, working out divorce settlements, negotiating a solution and taking a case to court.
      Interesting research questions abound in the area of ODR and its users: What paths do people take when trying to resolve a problem? How can people have ownership of their court procedure? How can solutions, ODR and court procedures, best be tailored to the type of problem?
      ODR and its users is a field in which law and society researchers can effectively contribute to improving digital problem solving and dispute resolution procedures in court.

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