Recht der Werkelijkheid


Zacht waar het kan, hard waar het moet? Casestudies naar handhaving in de sociale zekerheid

Trefwoorden responsive regulation, social security, enforcement, field research
Auteurs Paulien de Winter

Paulien de Winter
Paulien de Winter is afgestudeerd als socioloog en sinds februari 2014 werkzaam als promovenda bij de Vakgroep Rechtstheorie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Zij doet onderzoek naar handhaving in de sociale zekerheid en voert hiervoor participerende observaties uit bij sociale diensten en UWV.
  • Samenvatting

      The Dutch social security is mainly conducted by municipalities (social services), the Dutch Employment Insurance Agencies (UWV) and the Social Insurance Bank (SVB). In order to explore to what extent agents adjust their enforcement style, as stated in the responsive regulation approach (Ayres & Braithwaite), five case studies will be conducted; three studies at social services and two studies at Employment Insurance Agencies.
      During this field research I will attend every agency for two months. I will be observing the behavior of agents during their contact moments with beneficiaries. At the same time I will ask for comments on events, opinions and feelings regarding various aspects of the work. I will also conduct in-depth interviews with several agents and beneficiaries. Based on a sample I will make a selection of enforcement cases and I will analyze agreements on enforcement, regulation, directives, guidelines and recommendations.

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