Recht der Werkelijkheid


Regulatory governance: experimenting with new roles and instruments

Auteurs Peter Mascini en Judith van Erp

Peter Mascini
Peter Mascini is an associate professor of sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam and he holds a chair in empirical legal studies at the same university. He serves as co-director of the research program Behavioral Approaches to Contract and Tort. His research focuses on the legitimization, implementation, and enforcement of different policy ideas. He often studies the tenability of assumptions underlying policy instruments.

Judith van Erp
Judith van Erp is an associate professor in Criminology at Erasmus School of Law and chair of its research program Monitoring Safety and Security. Her research focuses on monitoring and compliance of business. She co-chairs the Collaborative Research Network on Regulatory Governance at the Law and Society Association and the European Society of Criminology’s working group on Corporate and White Collar Crime.
  • Samenvatting

      This editorial offers an introduction to the current issue.

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