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Recht der Werkelijkheid

Book Review

Ervaringen uit de collegezaal

Een verslag van de discussie over rechtssociologisch onderwijs in Nederland

Trefwoorden Sociology of law, Socio-legal education, Educational practices
Auteurs Reyer Baas

Reyer Baas
Reyer Baas is promovendus Rechtspleging aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen en docent Grondslagen van het recht aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      When Dutch-speaking sociologists of law meet, actual research is heavily discussed. Education, unfortunately, is rarely a topic of discussion. In 2014 sociologists of law gathered to exchange experiences in and ideas on education. This article gives an account of the discussion.
      The sociologists of law proved to be united on a number of fundamental questions. They concluded that it is useful to have students do research and to connect education in sociology of law with legal courses. This helps in realizing the ultimate goal: to have students achieve a greater understanding of the law by means of socio-legal insights. However, opinions diverged on the question of whether present educational practices in sociology of law are sufficiently renewing and attractive to students. Keep on reading to find out about other educational perspectives, challenges and solutions.

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