This article demonstrates on the basis of a representative survey among the Dutch population (N=1,892) that it is not necessarily politically ‘rightist’ or ‘conservative’ to resist the toleration of illegal activities (‘gedoogbeleid’). Even though, generally speaking, political conservatives are most likely to be critical, this is merely because they unconsciously associate the latter with practices of tolerating illegal activities by marginal individuals. Whereas conservatives hence oppose the latter more than political progressives do, the latter for their part are more critical than conservatives about tolerating illegal activities by official agencies. These findings illustrate that gedoogbeleid does not have a universal legitimacy in the eyes of the public, but that its legitimacy is determined case by case by the concrete aims and targets addressed by this policy instrument. |
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Redactioneel |
Rechtssociologische inzichten en uitdagingen |
Auteurs | Koen Van Aeken |
Auteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Verzet tegen gedoogbeleid: iets typisch rechts? |
Trefwoorden | punitive turn, political conservatism, ‘gedoogbeleid’, administrative tolerance |
Auteurs | Peter Mascini en Dick Houtman |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Van besluit tot beslechting: ervaringen van burgers met de bezwaarprocedure |
Trefwoorden | objection procedure, procedural justice, citizens’ experiences, qualitative study |
Auteurs | Mirjan Oude Vrielink en Boudewijn de Waard |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The GALA lays down general rules that in principle apply to the entire field of administrative law. If a decision by an administrative body can be appealed to a court, the general rule is that an objection procedure must be followed before the matter can be taken to court. Recently, research has been conducted to survey citizens’ experiences before and during objection procedures, as well as factors influencing these experiences. The research was divided into a quantitative research and a subsequent qualitative study to gain insight into the underlying mechanisms. The article reports about the major findings of the qualitative study. |
Discussie |
Technoregulering: regulering of ‘slechts’ disciplinering |
Trefwoorden | regulation by technology, code as law, legitimacy, rule of law, regulation |
Auteurs | Ronald Leenes |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
In this contribution Ronald Leenes discusses the implications of technoregulation, i.e. regulation by means of technology. Starting from Julia Black’s definition of regulation he discusses how technologies are used to alter or modify human behaviour. One of the objections he raises concerns the intransparency of the norm that is thus enforced, and he argues that technoregulation easily becomes administration or discipline rather than law. |
Discussie |
Technologische en juridische normativiteit: het tekort van het reguleringsparadigmaEen respons op Leenes’ ‘Technoregulering’ |
Trefwoorden | regulation by technology, code as law, legitimacy, rule of law, regulation |
Auteurs | Mireille Hildebrandt |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Mireille Hildebrandt responds to the article of Ronald Leenes. She largely agrees with Leenes’ objection that technoregulation threatens to conflate rule-making (a task of the legislator) with administration (a task of the executive). In her reply she rejects the external perspective that is inherent in regulation as behaviour-modification, arguing that legal subjects are not to be seen as mere objects of regulation. At the same time she calls for a reflection on the normative implications of technological infrastructures for existing legal rights, e.g., on privacy, even if these implications were not intended by a regulator. |
Discussie |
Naschrift |
Auteurs | Ronald Leenes |
Auteursinformatie |
Praktijk |
Toezicht en controle in de jeugdzorgHet omgaan met risico’s en dilemma’s in de jeugdbeschermingspraktijk |
Trefwoorden | monitoring, risk management, child protection, child abuse |
Auteurs | Tirza Kuijvenhoven |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
This study aims at exploring dilemmas that child protection workers cope with in daily practice, concerning noticing and acting on suspicions of child abuse. More specifically it addresses the tensions between a growing pressure on a formalisation of practice and sharing information on the one hand, and professional values of child protection work, like autonomy and professional confidentiality, on the other. |
Boekbespreking |
Beleid en wetgeving: formeel scheiden of juist praktisch verbinden? |
Auteurs | Meike Bokhorst |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
Grote en kleine ondernemingen als gebruikers van rechtspraakvoorzieningen |
Auteurs | Jean Van Houtte |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
Kijken in de rechtssociologische keuken |
Auteurs | Alex Jettinghoff |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
Het belang van sociale afstand: ngo’s en de Zuid-Afrikaanse staat |
Auteurs | Adriaan Bedner |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
Inheems in Afrika |
Auteurs | André Hoekema |
Auteursinformatie |
Boekbespreking |
Traagheid, drempels en corruptie: meer recht dankzij IT? |
Auteurs | Roland Eshuis |
Auteursinformatie |