This article compares two studies on the compliance with judicial decisions and friendly settlements in Dutch civil court procedures. A new study (Eshuis 2009) finds a higher rate of compliance, which can largely be attributed to the selection of cases. The older study (Van Koppen & Malsch 1991) included a high number of default judgments, which are associated with a low level of compliance, while friendly settlements – associated with a high level of compliance – were excluded. The new study finds full compliance rates of 31% for default judgments, 74% for judgments in defended cases and 85% for friendly settlements. The high compliance with friendly settlements suggests these settlements are ‘better’ outcomes; however, the difference in compliance can well be explained by selection effects. Interviews reveal that many friendly settlements are not the harmonious solutions one might expect. |
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De werking van recht, kennis halen en kennis brengen |
Auteurs | Mirjan Oude Vrielink |
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Artikel |
Een verliezer is geen winnaarDe naleving van civiele rechtspraak, 15 jaar na Van Koppen en Malsch |
Trefwoorden | courts, civil justice, enforcement of judgments, procedural justice |
Auteurs | Roland Eshuis |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Meervoudig gebruik binnen de gesubsidieerde rechtsbijstand: clusters en triggers |
Trefwoorden | legal aid, trigger, cluster, justiciable problem |
Auteurs | Susanne Peters, Lia Combrink en Mirjam van Gammeren-Zoeteweij |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
The use and expenditure of the Legal Aid System is ever increasing. In addition, some people make use of the Legal Aid System more often than others. In fact, a small percentage of clients (2,6%) uses a substantial part (11,2%) of the legal aid. This paper sheds light on the occurrence of multiple use of legal aid and gives insight into the frequency and characteristics of multiple use. |
Discussie |
‘Geen statute maar een code!’ |
Trefwoorden | common law, civil law, legal cultures, Alain Supiot |
Auteurs | Agnes Schreiner |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Since the national legal systems and legal cultures diverse, the question is raised whether the jurisprudence should concern itself more with the legal cultural context of a given meta-legal study. The issues and outcomes of a particular legal socio-philosophical study carry the problems and problematizations that are relevant for the societal, legal and academic world of the scholar concerned. Scholars such as John Rawls, Martha Nussbaum and Richard Posner may deserve to join the first ranks of the American academic world, but what is their contribution to the issues and debates of the European legal cultures and the Dutch legal culture in particular? A plea is made for more diversity in selecting and reading the works of scholars from abroad. In demonstrating the need for diversity the work of Alain Supiot is discussed. |
Discussie |
Mind the gap!Over het (vermeende) belang van de verschillen tussen common law en civil law voor de rechtsfilosofie |
Trefwoorden | common law, civil law, legal cultures, Alain Supiot |
Auteurs | Roland Pierik |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
For many legal scholars it goes without saying that legal and legal-philosophical theories originate in specific societal contexts and that this contextual character should always be taken into consideration. This implies, for example, that we should take the differences between the common law and civil law tradition seriously. This paper acknowledges the importance of such differences for legal analysis in general, but argues that this acknowledgement is less urgent for legal-philosophical analyses, since they primarily focus on what both traditions share, namely, a foundation in liberal-democratic principles. |
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Naschrift |
Auteurs | Agnes Schreiner |
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Praktijk |
Judges and delicate lawContemporary judicial practices at the Court of First Instance in Tunis examined against their socio-political background |
Trefwoorden | islamic law, delicate fields of law, anthropology of law, ethnomethodology |
Auteurs | Maaike Voorhoeve |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
My current research concerns contemporary judicial practices in Tunisia. I focus on what I call ‘delicate fields of law’, such as domestic violence, unmarried cohabitation, children born out of wedlock, virginity, abortion, etc. Such topics are delicate in any given society, as they are related to a fundamental ‘symbolic order’ (Françoise Héritier). Because of their sensitive character, the legislation concerning these topics is generally characterized by vague and open norms, leaving much interpretational freedom to judges. My research examines how Tunisian judges deal with these discretionary powers. |
Boekbespreking |
Naar een rechtvaardiger samenleving |
Auteurs | Nienke Doornbos |
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Boekbespreking |
Het leven in de Raad van StateBruno Latour over de constructie van juridische feiten |
Auteurs | Gert Verschraegen |
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Boekbespreking |
Drie keer is scheepsrecht: de luis in de toga van de Hoge Raad |
Auteurs | Bregje Dijksterhuis |
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Boekbespreking |
Durkheim is hot, Foucault is not?De nieuwe slingerbeweging in de bestraffingssociologie |
Auteurs | Tom Daems |
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