Examining Weber on Legal Legitimate Domination: A Case Study of the Opposition to the Patriot Act in the United States
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Devyani Prabhat
Gepubliceerd op 01-12-2008
RDW 2008/3
Juridisch > Metajuridica
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Devyani Prabhat Devyani Prabhat is PhD candidate in sociology at New York University.
– 2001 Law degree (India), 2004 Law degree (US); 2008 MA (Sociology).
2001-2003 Lawyer (New Delhi); 2003 clerk for the Indian Supreme Court;
2005 attorney (New York). Research interests include legitimacy, social
movements, professional autonomy; lawyers. Recent publications: Entries on
Anti-terror laws (Greenwood Press Criminal Justice Encyclopedia), Desis, San
Antonio case, Fordice Case and Cisneros case (all Brown v. Board of Education
progeny cases on desegregation of American educational institutes) for the
Sage Russell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Society (2007).
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