Recht der Werkelijkheid



Auteurs Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer, Robert Knegt en Oliver Lembcke

Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer
Liesbeth Huppes-Cluysenaer teaches philosophical aspects of penal law and constitutional law at the department General Jurisprudence of the University of Amsterdam. PhD (1995) on the relevance of theory of science for jurists. Her research interests are history of epistemology of empirical and normative sciences. Recent publications downloadable: .

Robert Knegt
Robert Knegt is Research director of the Hugo Sinzheimer Instituut (UvA, Amsterdam). 1979 Law degree/1982 MA Sociology/1986 PhD. His research interests incluse implementation of social security schemes, rules and practices as to dismissal and to other situations of deconstructing socio-economic relations and a historical-sociological approach of labour law as it has developed from the 11th century, with special interest in the formative role of legal concepts in the development of socio-economic/labour relations. Recent publication: The Employment Contract as an Exclusionary Device (Intersentia, 2008).

Oliver Lembcke
Oliver Lembcke is Assistant Professor of political theory at Friedrich- Schiller-University, Jena; secretary general of the Hellmuth Loening Center for Political Science – 1995 MA Political Science, 2002 Mediator, 2004 PhD - Research on political theory and legal theory; history of political ideas; ethics and politics. Recent publications: Hüter der Verfassung. Eine institutionentheoretische Studie zur Autorität des Bundesverfassungs-gerichts. (Tübingen 2007); Des Menschen Würde – entdeckt und erfunden im Humanismus der italienischen Renaissance (Politika, 2008).

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