Recht der Werkelijkheid


Mediatie in Guatemala

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Auteurs Laure d'Hondt

Laure d'Hondt
Laure d’Hondt studeerde Culturele Antropologie en Rechtsgeleerdheid aan de Universiteit van Leiden. Tijdens haar studie deed zij in Guatemala onderzoek naar het functioneren van rechtbanken in eerste instantie en naar geschilbeslechting door mediatie. Momenteel is zij werkzaam bij de Pensioen- en Uitkeringsraad.
  • Samenvatting

      Mediation is on the rise in Guatemala. In this multicultural society that has a weak rule of law there is little trust in the state law system. Informal ways of dispute settlement are popular. NGO’s, state and semi-state invest in different forms of mediation as an alternative for the legal procedure. The state links mediation to courts; NGO’s and semi-state focus on local community leaders as mediators. Characteristic of mediation is the liberty of the conflicting parties to find a solution within their own conditions, without the limits, and protection, of a legal procedure. This provides opportunities but also creates dangers. The article shows the possibilities of mediation in a society where the state isn’t a good dispute settler. It also demonstrates the dangers of mediation; consequence of the liberty is that there is not much protection of the weaker party. As the state doesn’t offer an alternative mediation becomes vulnerable to abuse of power.

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