
De verdachte transacties van drugshandelaren: kansberekeningen

Trefwoorden witwassen, drugshandel, meldketen, effectiviteit
Auteurs Melvin Soudijn

Melvin Soudijn
Dr. M.R.J. Soudijn is senior onderzoeker bij de Landelijke Eenheid en research fellow bij het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR).
  • Samenvatting

      Do drug traffickers have suspicious transactions? In answer to this question, 13,159 individuals registered with the police as drug trafficking suspects were matched with the Financial Intelligence Unit-Netherlands. It turns out that 21.9% of drug suspects is registered with one or more suspicious transactions. Just like the legal world, there is ‘wealth’ inequality. The top 10% is responsible for 84% (395 million euros) of the total amount in suspicious transactions. The results show that measuring the effectiveness of the reporting chain needs a nuanced approach which gives weight to an individual’s number of transactions, amount involved and time period.

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