
Een onderzoek naar tip- en beloningsgelden

De motieven om zware criminaliteit te melden bij de politie: welke rol speelt geld?

Trefwoorden zware misdaad, georganiseerde misdaad, tip- en beloningsgeld, misdaad melden
Auteurs Sven Brinkhoff, Emile Kolthoff, Jeroen Mensink en Marijke Malsch

Sven Brinkhoff
Prof. mr. Sven Brinkhoff is hoogleraar strafrecht aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Emile Kolthoff
Prof. dr. Emile Kolthoff is lector Ondermijning aan Avans Hogeschool en hoogleraar Criminologie aan de Open Universiteit.

Jeroen Mensink
Jeroen Mensink is promovendus en docent strafrecht aan de Open Universiteit.

Marijke Malsch
Prof. mr. dr. Marijke Malsch is hoogleraar Empirical Legal Studies aan de Open Universiteit Nederland.
  • Samenvatting

      When investigating serious crime, the police and the Public Prosecution Service (Openbaar Ministerie) may use information supplied to them by civilians.. These citizens can be run as informants by a police intelligence service or they provide information to the police in response to a promised reward. Following the discussion about a possible increase in tip and reward money, an exploratory study was conducted into the role of money in citizensā€˜ considerations in informing the police about serious crime. This contribution reports on this research. Based on the research, it is concluded that increasing tipping fees does not by definition lead to more and/or better information in concrete criminal investigations. On the other hand, increasing tip fees for intelligence information (information intended to obtain a more general picture of a certain crime phenomenon at regional and/or national level) will lead to more information.

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