
Evaluatie pilot geïntegreerde aanpak huiselijk geweld

Lessons to be learned?

Trefwoorden huiselijk geweld, pilot Rotterdam, maatschappelijk effectieve rechtspraak, integrale aanpak
Auteurs Mariëlle Bruning, Wendy Buysse en Nynke Piepers

Mariëlle Bruning
Prof. mr. drs. M.R. Bruning is hoogleraar Jeugdrecht aan de Universiteit Leiden.

Wendy Buysse
Dr. W.H. Buysse is onderzoeker bij DSP-groep.

Nynke Piepers
N. Piepers is onderzoeker bij DSP-groep.
  • Samenvatting

      In the Netherlands, domestic violence cases are often heard in criminal court by a single judge. In these cases usually the family is usually confronted with multiple problems related to divorce or separation, child protection issues, financial problems, psychological problems or addiction and aggression problems that can lead to various legal proceedings with different judges. The District Court of Rotterdam has started a pilot ‘integrated approach to domestic violence’. In this paper results of the pilot evaluation are presented in relation to recent developments of the judiciary to focus on effective problem solving courts.

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