
Straftoemeting in zaken betreffende seksuele uitbuiting van minderjarigen

Trefwoorden human trafficking, child victims, sentencing, Defence for Children
Auteurs Mr. Eva Huls en Drs. Frits Huls

Mr. Eva Huls
Mr. Eva Huls is advocaat-in-dienstbetrekking bij Defence for Children.

Drs. Frits Huls
Drs. Frits Huls is rechtssocioloog.
  • Samenvatting

      This article is a summary of the recently published study of Defence for Children - ECPAT: Sentencing of Sexual Exploitation of Minors: an analysis. The aim of the research was to provide insight into the penalties imposed in 2015-2019 in cases involving the sexual exploitation (human trafficking) of child victims. Another aim was to gain a better understanding of how the sentence was determined. A total of 145 convictions were analysed. This article first describes (the reason for) the research. Subsequently, the crime of human trafficking is briefly discussed. The findings of the analysis are then presented in a summarized version. Finally, the conclusion and recommendations follow.

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