
De politie als nationale hulpverlener

Politieoptreden bij incidenten waarbij personen met verward gedrag betrokken zijn

Trefwoorden Verwarde personen Persons with confused behavior, GGZ Mental health service, Frontlijnwerkers Police officers, Lipsky
Auteurs Drs. Milou Janssen en Dr. Jelle van Buuren

Drs. Milou Janssen
Drs. M. Janssen werkt bij de Koninklijke Marechaussee.

Dr. Jelle van Buuren
Dr. G.M. van Buuren is universitair docent Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Universiteit van Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      Incidents involving persons with ‘confused behavior’ are an important and topical theme in Dutch society. The police are often the first to be involved in these incidents because they are the only public organization that has a 24/7 presence on the streets. In 2019, the police registered 96,000 reports of persons who showed confused behavior. It is therefore not surprising that the police have repeatedly drawn political-administrative attention to this situation and indicated that the limits have been reached. That raises the question of how police officers deal with a situation that has actually grown above their heads in daily practice. In this research, based on the theory of street-level bureaucracy introduced by Lipsky, it was investigated how police officers in The Hague use their discretion to cope with this difficult reality.

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