Flore van Rosmalen MSc
Flore van Rosmalen MSc is consultant veiligheid en crisismanagement bij Berenschot.

Dr. ir. Annette de Boer
Dr. ir. Annette de Boer is directeur van GGD Haaglanden.

Dr. ir. Mariëlle den Hengst
Dr. ir. Mariëlle den Hengst is projectleider bij RTI-lab politie.

Ir. Pascal Gemke
Ir. Pascal Gemke is strategieconsultant bij YGroup Companies.
  • Samenvatting

      Intelligence-led policing (ILP) has been adopted by police organisations worldwide, yet organisational implementation appears to be difficult. Results of this study uncover organisational factors that affect ILP and give insight on how these facilitate or hinder ILP. The organisational factors can be categorised into technological, structural, cultural and people related factors. This research was conducted by means of a literature review and two case studies on the investigation of organised drug-related crime and on football and safety in two different units of the Dutch police. The results of this study can be considered as relevant input regarding future implementation of intelligence-led operations in the whole criminal justice chain.

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