
Waarom is er verschil in jeugdoverlast tussen buurten?

Een ‘mixed method’-onderzoek naar de voorspellende waarde van buurtkenmerken in relatie tot jeugdoverlast

Trefwoorden sociale desorganisatie, Jeugdoverlast, Hangplek, vrije tijd
Auteurs Floris Bots MSc en Dr. Joris Beijers

Floris Bots MSc
Floris Bots MSc is afgestudeerd in de master Sociology: Contemporary Social Problems.

Dr. Joris Beijers
Dr. Joris Beijers is docent bij de afdeling Sociologie van de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      The matter for this research is the request from the municipality of Eindhoven to map youth nuisance in the city of Eindhoven and to find explanations for differences between neighborhoods in order to provide policy makers with guidance. Quantitative and qualitative methods tested the social disorganization theory. Factors that may explain youth nuisance are a high degree of ethnic heterogeneity, low neighborhood participation and a high level of physical deterioration. In addition, youngsters who have unstructured leisure time prefer a place to hang out where there is no social control. Policy makers can use these insights to design their neighborhoods.

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