
Weerbaarheid jegens ongewenste omgangsvormen op het werk

Trefwoorden Weerbaarheid, Ongewenste omgangsvormen, Beleid tegen ongewenste omgangsvormen, Bedrijfscultuur
Auteurs Mr. Margriet Maris

Mr. Margriet Maris
Mr. Margriet Maris is zelfstandig mediator en extern vertrouwenspersoon ongewenste omgangsvormen en integriteit. Zij is tevens voorzitter van de Landelijke Vereniging van Vertrouwenspersonen (LVV).
  • Samenvatting

      This article explores the boundary conditions an organization has to take to make the workplace, where all kind of people work together, a safe place. Employers are responsible for a safe working environment according to the Arbowet. The confidential councilor is an important part of the infrastructure against workplace harassment. Next to commitment from the top of the organization, a code of conduct based on the support of the employees, a complaints procedure with access to an independent complains committee, the confidential councilor is key to discover and act on workplace harassment. Not all confidential councilors are trained and aware of the pitfalls of the job. Organizations have to set boundary conditions. For example legal privilege within the organization and some sort of protection against retaliation. The confidential councilor follows the lead of the complainant and can put down the responsibility of solving the issue of harassment at the proper authority within the organization.

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