
Het managen van communicatiefouten in verdachtenverhoren en crisisonderhandelingen

Trefwoorden Verdachtenverhoor, Crisisonderhandeling, Communicatiefout, Herstelstrategie, Verdachtenverhoor
Auteurs Dr. Miriam Oostinga

Dr. Miriam Oostinga
Dr. M.S.D. Oostinga is onderzoeker en adviseur Veiligheid bij Twynstra Gudde.
  • Samenvatting

      A vast amount of research focuses on what should be said and done in suspect interviews and crisis negotiations to make the suspect cooperate. This article discusses the most important findings of five empirical studies that focus on the situation in which something wrong is said, which may undermine cooperation. The findings show that communication errors have both positive and negative effects on the suspect and law enforcement officer. Yet, it is the verbal response of the law enforcement officer that determines its overall direction. It is important to acquire knowledge on this topic, as there is a likely chance of making communication errors in these high-stake interactions and with these insights you can prepare yourself for when this situation occurs.

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