In the early years of kickboxing in the Netherlands, a number of fighters got involved in criminal activities. Literature typically focusses on social learning, but as the inner city of Amsterdam in the eighties provides a specific setting, this article particularly describes a historical process. In the qualitative data from interviews, observations, and various documents, three questions: Who were these kickboxers? Where did they enter the criminal circles? Why did they go along with what happened there? It turns out, successful fighters easily came in contact with people from the underground, as they met in the gyms and in the night life where many fighters worked as bouncers. In a friendly atmosphere, the risks of seduction were hard to recognize for inexperienced fighters. |
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Ten geleide |
Een opeenstapeling van fouten |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Joke Harte |
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Peer reviewed |
Knokkers en vrije jongensHet criminele verleden van het Nederlandse kickboksen |
Trefwoorden | Kickboksen, Verknoping criminaliteit, Penoze |
Auteurs | Dr. Frank van Gemert |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Artikel |
Modernisering Strafvordering en het voorstel tot invoering van de voorlopige vrijheidsbeperking: de gevolgen van het schrappen van de schorsing onder voorwaarden voor jeugdige verdachten |
Trefwoorden | Jeugdstrafrecht, Schorsing voorlopige hechtenis onder voorwaarden, Voorlopige vrijheidsbeperking, Alternatieve tenuitvoerlegging/nachtdetentie |
Auteurs | Sascha Bambach |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
As part of the project aiming to modernise the Dutch Code of Criminal Procedure the regulation on pre-trial detention is being revised. The proposal is to replace the conditional suspension of remand detention for both adults and juveniles with a new modality of provisional restraint. Furthermore, the proposal in its current form implies the exclusion of the alternative enforcement and the possibility of night detention. In this article, the consequences of the proposal on juvenile suspects are being discussed. |
PROCESperikelen |
Afhandeling van onbeheerde bagage; ‘verdacht, maar niet onverwacht’ |
Auteurs | Jeroen van den Tweel |
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Artikel |
Het managen van communicatiefouten in verdachtenverhoren en crisisonderhandelingen |
Trefwoorden | Verdachtenverhoor, Crisisonderhandeling, Communicatiefout, Herstelstrategie, Verdachtenverhoor |
Auteurs | Dr. Miriam Oostinga |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
A vast amount of research focuses on what should be said and done in suspect interviews and crisis negotiations to make the suspect cooperate. This article discusses the most important findings of five empirical studies that focus on the situation in which something wrong is said, which may undermine cooperation. The findings show that communication errors have both positive and negative effects on the suspect and law enforcement officer. Yet, it is the verbal response of the law enforcement officer that determines its overall direction. It is important to acquire knowledge on this topic, as there is a likely chance of making communication errors in these high-stake interactions and with these insights you can prepare yourself for when this situation occurs. |
Artikel |
Neurogeheugendetectietests in de Nederlandse strafrechtspleging: hoop of huiver? |
Trefwoorden | neurogeheugendetectie, Opsporingsmethode, Zwijgrecht, Neurotests, brain-imaging, neurolaw, concealed information |
Auteurs | Mr. Naomi van Burgsteden |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Neuroscience teaches us that we can obtain information about the brain by the use of neuro tests. An example of a neuro test is the concealed information test (CIT). This test examines whether a suspect recognizes specific details of a criminal offence. Afterwards experts can conclude whether the suspect has knowledge of a criminal offence, which only a perpetrator can know. This way a CIT contributes by the detection and adjudication of criminal offences. In recent decades, the interest in neuro tests such as the CIT has increased, also at the Ministry of Justice and Security. Based on the existing literature, both advantages and disadvantages of the CIT are discussed in this article. |
Artikel |
Het digitale jasje van eergerelateerd geweld(Strafrechtelijke) mogelijkheden en beperkingen |
Trefwoorden | Eergerelateerd geweld, zeden, strafwetgeving, internet |
Auteurs | Prof. dr. Janine Janssen en Prof. mr. Jeroen ten Voorde |
SamenvattingAuteursinformatie |
Violence in the name of honour has an ancient ring to it. But honour codes tend to be very flexible: cyber-space has given a new dimension to honour-related violence. Images and messages that are perceived as violations of honour also pass through social media. Unfortunately these stings on the good name of the family are quite difficult to remove. In this contribution is explained how violations of honour occur on the internet. Next to that will be described how currently in the Netherlands criminal law especially regarding vice is being adapted in order to deal with phenomena like sexting and sextortion. What are the consequences of these changes for dealing with modern forms of the violation of family honour? |
PS van een redacteur |
Forensische zorg onder een vergrootglasLessen uit de casus Michael P.? |
Auteurs | Dr. Jaap van Vliet |
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