
De invloed van ouders en vriendin op desistance from crime

Trefwoorden Jonge veelplegers, Desistance form crime
Auteurs Prof. dr. Ido Weijers

Prof. dr. Ido Weijers
Prof. dr. I. Weijers is emeritus hoogleraar Jeugdrechtspleging en Jeugdbescherming, Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      This article addresses the role of parents and girlfriends in the process of giving up crime. It presents findings from a longitudinal study of 81 young recidivists examined over 15 years. It concludes that parents played a pivotal role in this process, since the young men began to realize what misery they had caused them. However, these young men did not change their path in life because of their parents. We conclude even stronger than with the parents that it does not seem likely that a young recidivist would desist because of his girlfriend. Nevertheless, it would seem that both parents and a secure, lasting relationship could indeed have a positive influence in this process, particularly in the motivation to stick to a new path towards a more pro-social lifestyle once it has been set out on.

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