
De uitdagingen in het effectief aanpakken van stalking

Trefwoorden stalking, Politie, veiligheid, risicotaxatie
Auteurs Bianca Voerman MsC. en Cleo Brandt MsC.

Bianca Voerman MsC.
Bianca Voerman is recherchepsycholoog bij de Landelijke Eenheid van de Nationale Politie.

Cleo Brandt MsC.
Recherchepsycholoog bij de Landelijke Eenheid van de Nationale Politie
  • Samenvatting

      In 2016 an independent review into a deadly ex-partner stalking case1xEenhoorn Commission. (2016). Conclusies en aanbevelingen: Onderzoeksrapport TweeSteden. identified a number of structural problems in the police’s approach to stalking cases. Police struggle to accurately and effectively assess and respond to stalking cases because of several reasons. Police often fail to identify stalking by focusing too much on single incidents, missing the pattern of behaviours that constitute stalking. Investigations also focus on the criminal offence of stalking, with police waiting to take action until a particular threshold is reached. There is a lack of knowledge about stalking in general and risk factors associated with stalking in particular, which means the victim’s safety can be at stake if adequate security measures are not taken. These findings led to the development of a new structured response to ex-partner stalking cases, which consists of an automated query, case screening and prioritisation with the SASH2xMcEwan, T. E., Strand, S., MacKenzie, R. D., & James, D. V. (2015). Screening Assessment for Stalking and Harassment (SASH)., case management together with partner agencies and improved training for police officers who are handling stalking cases. Victim safety must always be the first priority.


    • * Bianca Voerman en Cleo Brandt zijn beiden recherchepsycholoog bij de Landelijke Eenheid van de Nationale Politie.
    • 1 Eenhoorn Commission. (2016). Conclusies en aanbevelingen: Onderzoeksrapport TweeSteden.

    • 2 McEwan, T. E., Strand, S., MacKenzie, R. D., & James, D. V. (2015). Screening Assessment for Stalking and Harassment (SASH).

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