
Opsporingsmiddelen in ontwikkeling

Open-bronnenonderzoek als de nieuwe ‘tap’

Trefwoorden Open bronnen onderzoek (OSINT), Opsporingsbevoegdheid, Stelselmatigheid, Commissie-Koops
Auteurs Mr. Mark Feenstra

Mr. Mark Feenstra
Mr. M. Feenstra is werkzaam als senior parketsecretaris bij het Openbaar Ministerie, parket Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      With the development of the ‘digital society’ the information about crime on the internet is increasing rapidly. This creates the necessity for clarity about the boundaries of open source research by law enforcement agencies. However a specific article in the Code of Criminal Procedure lacks. While waiting for this article the police, the prosecution office, criminal defense lawyers and judges are struggling to find these boundaries. Nevertheless are they the only ones that can bring this clarity by informing themselves and exploring what should be legitimate.

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