
Aandacht voor vaderschap in de gevangenis

Evaluatie van de Exodus-workshop Vrij Verantwoord Vaderschap

Trefwoorden Vaderschap, Detentie, Interventie, Evaluatie
Auteurs Dr. Joni Reef, Naomi Ormskerk MSc en Lisa van Es MSc

Dr. Joni Reef
Dr. J. Reef is universitair docent Criminologie bij het Instituut Strafrecht en Criminologie, Universiteit Leiden.

Naomi Ormskerk MSc
N.R.S. Ormskerk is (Junior) onderzoeker en docent aan de Universiteit van Leiden.

Lisa van Es MSc
Lisa van Es is psycholoog en onderzoeker bij Exodus.
  • Samenvatting

      Around 36.000 men enter Dutch prisons every year. Nearly half of them are father. Imprisonment is destructive to father involvement. Many prisoners involuntary fail to stay connected with their family and are unable to reconnect with family after release. However, father involvement protects fragile families, children and fathers themselves from collateral consequences of imprisonment and even reduces recidivism. One of the first Dutch initiatives for fathers in prison came from voluntary organization Exodus. Since 2014, they run an 8-week workshop on fatherhood in a number of Dutch penal institutions. Fathers work on the restoration or reconstruction of their relationship with their children and parenting partners. In this article, we review participating fathers’ perceptions of the workshop and the changes in their attitude towards fatherhood.

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