
Datingfraude: van romantische droom naar financiële nachtmerrie

Een onderzoek naar hulpverlening voor slachtoffers van datingfraude

Trefwoorden Slachtofferschap, Datingfraude, Hulpverlening, Slachtofferhulp
Auteurs Dr. mr. Miriam Wijkman en Isabel Kooij MSc

Dr. mr. Miriam Wijkman
Dr. mr. M. Wijkman is universitair docent aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

Isabel Kooij MSc
Isabel Kooij MSc is recruiter bij Fortress Staffing Services.
  • Samenvatting

      Datingfraud is nothing new but it is an underexposed subject. Victims are approached on online datingsites by criminals whose goal is to gain large amounts of money. To achieve this, they start, with a false identity, an online relationship with their victims. In this article research has been done what the needs of the victims are after the offense has been committed. To this end interviews have been made with victims of datingfraud and staff members of victim support. Many victims do not end up with victim support because the police refuse to make a report. Nevertheless, the emotional and legal aid seems to functioning well. However, the practical help leaves much to be desired, especially because employees are not informed about all possibilities there are to support the victims.

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