
Seks, ICT en het strafrecht

Verslag van de studiedag van PROCES van 25 januari 2018

Trefwoorden Seks, Strafrecht, ICT, Studiedag PROCES
Auteurs Franck Budde en Rosanne Lagerwey

Franck Budde
Franck Budde is masterstudent Straf- en strafprocesrecht aan de Universiteit Leiden en loopt tevens stage bij het Wetenschappelijk Bureau van de Hoge Raad. Hij heeft dit stuk op persoonlijke titel geschreven.

Rosanne Lagerwey
Rosanne Lagerwey is masterstudent Straf- en strafprocesrecht aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Samenvatting

      On Thursday January 25, 2018 the study day of PROCES took place with the title ‘Sex, ICT and criminal law’. Sex is as old as the road to Rome so there is nothing new there. But with the arrival of ICT in addition to the physical world there is a new world in which sex has also found his way. Where as sex in the past consisted of physical interactions between people in the same space, now sexual interaction also happens between people who are miles apart, connected by ICT. During the study day the central issue was how organizations involved in sex, ICT and criminal law deal with sex in the digital dimension and which problems they face.

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