
Hoe werkt vroegsignalering door lokale jongerenwerkers in de strijd tegen terrorisme?

Trefwoorden Radicalisering, Gewelddadig extremisme, Jongerenwerker, Subjectieve oordeelsvorming
Auteurs Annemarie van de Weert MSc en Mr. dr. Quirine Eijkman

Annemarie van de Weert MSc
Annemarie van de Weert MSc is onderzoeker Toegang tot het recht aan het Kenniscentrum Sociale Innovatie (KSI), Hogeschool Utrecht.

Mr. dr. Quirine Eijkman
Mr. dr. Quirine Eijkman is lector Toegang tot het recht aan het Kenniscentrum Sociale Innovatie (KSI), Hogeschool Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      This article analyses whether the local youth worker can operate on the intersection of social welfare and signalling of extremism. Although it is a rare phenomenon, there is a clear message from the government to watch out for the first signs of deviant behavior and unacceptable behavior. However, shouldn’t we ask ourselves whether youth workers are adequately equipped at local level to signal threat? The qualitative results show that in daily practice there is a lack of clear standards which make terminology for social professionals not easily distinguished. In addition their opinion depends largely on their own intuition regarding the issues. This can create side effects which form a risk that the local terrorism policy does not have the intended effect.

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