
De keuze tussen strafrechtelijke en bestuursrechtelijke sanctionering en het criterium van de ernstige gedraging

Trefwoorden Bestuursstrafrecht, Sanctiestelsel, Ernstige gedraging, Moraliteit, Strafrecht
Auteurs Mr. dr. drs. Benny van der Vorm

Mr. dr. drs. Benny van der Vorm
Mr. dr. drs. Benny van der Vorm is universitair docent Straf(proces)recht aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      In the near future, the legislator will decide on the criteria to be applied to make a choice between the administrative and the criminal justice system. It is a possibility that the legislator will depart from the so-called ‘open context’ and the ‘confined context’. In his Farewell Speech, Rogier pleaded that the severity of behavior should be the criterion to the applied. When behavior can be qualified as ‘serious’ a criminal procedure should take place and if the behavior is ‘less serious’ the administrative procedure has to be chosen.

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