
Kicken of afkicken?

Een mixed methods onderzoek naar de relatie tussen middelengebruik en delictgedrag bij jongvolwassen cliƫnten die onder toezicht staan van de verslavingsreclassering

Trefwoorden Young adults, delinquency, substance use, qualitative research
Auteurs Master of Science Leanne Sixma

Master of Science Leanne Sixma
Leanne Sixma is reclasseringswerker Diagnose & Advies bij het Leger des Heils.
  • Samenvatting

      This research paper looks at the relationship between substance use and delinquency among young adults (aged 15 till 25 years) in a probation service for addicted offenders. Using a qualitative research method, twelve young adults give their opinions on the origin and development of their own problematic behavior. Results indicate that there is a relationship between substance use and delinquency, though determining causality is difficult and differs on an individual basis. They explain that this relationship is usually established in a risky environment and gradually grows by encounters with both substance use and criminal behavior, often early on in childhood. Friends and family introduced them to a problematic lifestyle in which drugs, alcohol and criminal offences appeared to be normal. Looking for excitement, being part of a group and experiencing positive effects after using substances are factors that stimulate them to continue with this behavior. The downside being that these adolescents get deeper into trouble and develop a dependency for this lifestyle. At that moment, certain turning points can offer a way to escape from using substances and/or committing offences

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