Dr. Renée Kool
Dr. Renée Kool is universitair hoofddocent Strafrecht aan de Universiteit Utrecht en als onderzoeker verbonden aan het Utrechtse onderzoekscentrum Ucall.

Mr. dr. Jessy Emaus
Mr. dr. Jessy Emaus is universitair docent Privaatrecht aan de Universiteit Utrecht en als onderzoeker verbonden aan de Utrechtse onderzoekscentra Ucall en Renforce, en is SIM-fellow.
  • Samenvatting

      Crime victims’ compensation is a focal point of interest within the present Dutch penal policy. Coming forward as an injured party, crime victims may claim compensation for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages from the prepetrator. Since the claim is of a subsidiary, civil nature, the decision making may not represent an undue burden to the criminal procedure. To further compensation, the legal criterion for accessibility was extended (2010) and policy measures were taken. The article provides an overview of the most important findings of an evaluation into to date’s practice, paying special attention to the opinion of legal professionals. Focussing on both the preparatory and the trial phase, a multidisciplinary research was executed, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. The results show an increase of the amount of claims awarded since 2007. To date, victims’ compensation is commonly accepted within the Dutch criminal procedure. Nevertheless, the legal professionals point at the potential draw backs that sprout from the acknowledgment of the victim as a participant within the Dutch criminal proceedings.

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