
Effecten van een training cognitieve vaardigheden voor justitiabelen onderzocht

Trefwoorden Cognitieve vaardigheden, Justitiƫle gedragsinterventie, Volwassen daders, Effectonderzoek
Auteurs Suzan Verweij MSc LLM, dr. Wendy Buysse en dr. Bouke Wartna

Suzan Verweij MSc LLM
Suzan Verweij MSc LLM is wetenschappelijk medewerker bij de Recidivemonitor van het WODC.

dr. Wendy Buysse
Dr. Wendy Buysse is senior onderzoeker bij DSP-groep in Amsterdam.

dr. Bouke Wartna
Dr. Bouke Wartna is senior wetenschappelijk medewerker en programmaleider bij de Recidivemonitor van het WODC.
  • Samenvatting

      One of the most widely implemented behavioral programs for adult offenders in the Netherlands is a cognitive skills training called CoVa. The training is an adapted version of the Enhanced Thinking Skills program (ETS). This paper reports on the findings of several impact studies on the effectiveness of CoVa and ETS. Special attention is paid to a recent study on the measured change in cognitive skills before and after the training and a recent comparative recidivism study. The majority of studies on CoVa and ETS show positive indications of the effectiveness of the training programs. In the Netherlands the effect sizes are small, but some English studies on ETS reveal large effects. The paper discusses possible explanations for this outcome and examines the relevance of the research findings for the present version of the CoVa-training.

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