
De bestuurlijke aanpak van het jihadisme

De intrekking van het Nederlanderschap in het belang van de nationale veiligheid als (preventieve) verbanning

Trefwoorden Bestuurlijke aanpak, Jihadisme, Intrekking Nederlanderschap, Dubbele nationaliteit
Auteurs Mr. dr. drs. Benny van der Vorm

Mr. dr. drs. Benny van der Vorm
Mr. dr. drs. Benny van der Vorm is universitair docent Straf(proces)recht aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      In the fight against terrorism, administrative measures are increasingly applied. This is called the administrative approach on terrorism. A recent bill seeks to the withdrawal of the Dutch citizenship of those who are suspected of certain terrorist activities abroad and when such is needed in the context of national security. Under this bill it is made possible to withdraw the Dutch citizenship of those who voluntarily join a terrorist group abroad. The idea behind this proposed administrative measure is to protect the national security of the Netherlands, by banning those who voluntarily joined a jihadi organization and pose a threat to national security due to their return. The bill has several major drawbacks: the limited legal protection of the persons concerned, the possible criminal nature of this measure and doubts about its effectiveness.

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